My Journey as Miss Nevada Teen USA

My Journey as Miss Nevada Teen USA
The chance of a lifetime!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

And Our New Miss Nevada Teen USA is Ashley Brown

     November 14th 2010!  The day my dream came true.  I became the new Miss Nevada Teen USA!  Words cannot express the joy I felt at that moment.  I could see my mother sitting in the audience a few rows back.  My dad was pacing by the exit with my little sister.  I stood there with the other girls holding hands.  I wanted this so bad but I could tell by the hands squeezing mine that there were girls that wanted this just as badly as I did.  I couldn’t believe I could see my mother in the audience.  I always thought the stage lights would be so bright that I wouldn’t even be able to see the judges much less the audience.  I stared right at my mom’s eyes in the audience and we didn’t break eye contact.  All I thought to myself over and over again was “please please please  let it be me, please I want this so badly.”  A song started to play on stage.  It was the song my mother dedicated to me and we practiced my formal walk over and over again to in my drive way.  It went…“When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change. Girl Your amazing, just the way you are” My mom smiled so big.  They announced the second runner up and the girl next to me almost broke my hand squeezing so hard.  The first runner up was called and I kept thinking “please please please.”  I heard it.  I really heard it.  I can’t remember how it was exactly worded but I heard it loud and clear.  Ashley Brown is our new MISS NEVADA TEEN USA!!!!!  My mother and I locked eyes as the crown was put on my head.  She was screaming hysterically “Shake in Bake Pancake!”  I won the Super bowl and the lottery that day.  It was the best day of my life.

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